“From Count Cozio di Salabue to Giuseppe Fiorini, from the Bisiachs in Milan to the foundation of the first schools of violin making, the history of bowed instruments during the past two centuries in Italy narrated through the testimonies of the leading makers of our times, and featuring the instruments of the most important Italian collections, rare photographic and video documents. By Paolo Parmiggiani and Andrea Zanrè, Edizioni Scrollavezza & Zanrè (2013).”
“从Cozio di Salabue伯爵 到 Giuseppe Fiorini, 从Bisiachs来到米兰到成立第一所制琴学校,由当今的著名制琴师叙述的意大利过往两个世纪的弓弦乐器制作史,包括大量的重要收藏和稀缺图片。作者Paolo Parmiggiani和Andrea Zanre, Edizioni Scrollavezza & Zanre(2013)。”
意大利近代制琴史并不像400年前的辉煌时期那样能被人如数家珍的一一道来。它经历了泯灭,再生,探索,重生。本片包含了大量的极其珍贵的视频记录资料。已故的意大利当代三巨头Gio Batta Morassi , Francesco Bissolotti , Renato Scrollavezza 详尽的阐述了这段珍贵的历史。
在与Scrollavezza大师之女 Elisa交流之后,很高兴能让该片的繁体中文版本在此免费向大家开放。为了保持视频的原汁原味,字幕使用的是影片自带的繁体中文字幕。
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